Catalog Number: 7128
Serial Number: 26614746
Grade: Mint State 64
VSS Number: 008942
Comments: Under all the color is a nicely struck Mint State 64 coin that we would not contest the grade. There is very little scaring on the face or in the fields, but this coloration has low eye appeal when compared to many others.
Speculative History
The obverse of this coin is a slightly darker version of another Mint State 64 coin, 24905568. The reverse is a much lighter version of the same coin.
When we think about the New Orleans Mint we think heat, humidity, rain, and occasional hurricanes. In our minds this coin looks like one that would have been buried in a mint vault where it was exposed to some sulfur, but mainly to humidity in various forms.
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If the coin obverse were a little lighter in color it might rise to the category of monster toned, but it is just too difficult to see through the dark toning. The reverse of the coin is the giveaway on the stage of toning. The amber color is light and signals an early first stage of toning.
The obverse is more difficult because of the dark overall color. But to our eye the primary colors are amber, russet, and then moving on up to cyan. So at most this coin would be a late first stage to early second state of toning.
Getting Started
Collecting The 1881-O
The 1881-O VAMs